Thursday, July 30, 2009

"Harboring the Significant" Opens NEXT SATURDAY!

Please come to the reception on Saturday, August 8th from 4-7 PM. Also, come to the preview party on Friday, August 7th from 5-7!!!!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Busy Bee at the Botanical Gardens

As we all know, Maine has received a tremendous amount of rain this past June. But the Botanical Gardens in Boothbay haven't hurt. I painted there last Sunday in a wet paint event...and not having been before, quickly settled into a great spot on the path down to the fairy houses. It was a lovely day with some unsettled weather...and was challenged to compose a painting where all of the natural forms and greens spoke very different languages. With only less than four hours to make things work, I must have been half crazy to choose the composition I did. However, I did end up happy with it and had a lot of fun! Come by the studio and see it.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Inspirations Come In Small Packages

Its amazing how we can re-energize simply by being in good company, and by especially sweet little loved ones. Although I have been painting in a fury in my studio to prepare for my show at Cerulean in August, which is usually my personal vehicle to heightened motivation and happiness, today my energies were rejuiced by a fun-filled birthday party of my five-year-old niece and extended family and
family friends. We went crazy in the bouncy house, ate Miss Strawberry Shortcake birthday cake, chased candy after a strawberry pinata fell after some mighty blows from the "big boys", and sat back, talked and drank good coffee. It was simply splendid. Pictured here are three of my favorite little girls - starry-eyed and silly. My small package to the right, birthday girl in the middle, and sweet dear friend to the left. Enjoy!

Also, here's a pic from my current show at LLBean in Freeport. Just follow the fish all the way to the upstairs.... up till July 30th. Also pictured here is the next show at Cerulean featuring my other Cerulean-half Janna and photographer Bill Duffy. Hope you can join us.