Thursday, July 15, 2010

"From The Cotton Mill" Preparatory Drawing for Old Hallowell Day Painting

I came to Hallowell for the first time in the winter of 1979 from the suburbs of NYC with my parents and older brother in a yellow VW squareback. We were all a bit shocked by living in this small town and a rural state, but made a home for ourselves here quite quickly. The few years spent in Hallowell were marked by many "firsts" in a small child's life including a solitary walk to Boynton's for our family's milk and swedish fish. Hallowell has been my home at three different chapter's in my life, and the feeling of this special place, its charm, and a place to call "home" stays with me. You can learn more about my visual impressions of Hallowell if you come for a visit to my studio where you'll see some of the work I have been doing.

I am completely honored to be this years "Old Hallowell Day" Artist, and hope you are enjoying the image. It's quite funny to be in my shoes now, for when my little artist feet came to this town I remember fondly eating Ham Italian's from Boynton's on the back porch of the Harlow Gallery, where my Mom would gallery sit.

This drawing was done from a variety of photographs I took from the roof of the Cotton Mill in early Spring. And this is where I began....

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