Wednesday, October 14, 2009


I am off and running with many new works going.... My works with birds in encaustics continues to be lots of fun and engaging. I am now pushing my use of pattern through using a collected box of vintage fabrics I acquired at a yard sale this fall. Also, propelling me forward is a trio show titled "Considerations of Place" with artist friends Cynthia Ahlstrin and Kate Buehner at Cerulean in November. I am creating some mixed media works that again use abandoned photographs as part of a source - only this time I am embroidering and painting onto raw canvas. Drawing from locations specifically near to my home, I am attempting to speak about a sense of belonging and how the language of landscape can be used to ground these ideas. I was fortunate to discover a Welsh artist named Eleri Mills in Fiber Arts Magazine recently whose work I have found very intriguing and I can pull from. My use of cloth material and the act of sewing, designing fabric I think may be coming back to surface after many years of neglect. If one grandfather was a tailor and the other grandfather designed and created dresses, how long can an artist surpress this need to loop string, needle, and cloth together? Does anyone remember my senior prom - yikes, I think I am still trying to forget it but I do remember the dress!

Anyone want to come and learn about encaustics this weekend? I am offering a one day workshop on Saturday from 10 - 3 at Cerulean. Just give us a call at Cerulean if you'd like to come 626-9009.