Monday, May 30, 2011


As I have become more mature in my use of encaustics, it is fought for time in my studio. Oil painting has always been "home" in my work but with more understanding of encaustics as a painting medium (center stage not the supporting actor)the two mediums have often divided my time without resolve. One can not do both exactly at the same time, unlike other mediums, because there are considerations of fire danger, waiting time, and working modes. Although I did create a full series of works "Unusual Conversations With the Landscapes" of acrylic paintings on paper plus encaustic works based on the abundance of water over varied landscapes, I did not feel an organic push in the studio in the winter months. However, momentum is kicking in. I am staying with my landscape works based on my trip to England last spring plus I plan to revisit my ongoing obsession with Blueberry barrens. I have attached a variety of pictures for you to see including: a painting in its first stages (wait and see what happens in later posts), a series of encaustic works I am completing for Three Graces Gallery based on a poem I wrote about summer, plus two finished works from my England series.