Sunday, March 20, 2011

Time Off

It seems that time off from the actual physicality of painting will result in stronger work. I hope so. I started painting today after a three week hiatus. Although I have been putting in a lot of time into thinking about what my next project is, whether it is a continuation or a break from the previous, I still haven't completely decided. Time will tell.

Aren't we all happy old man winter is starting to take a nap? I know I am. This winter brought some setbacks but I am looking forward. I am starting to fall in love with my new view at the studio and its generous light.

On Thursday, March 31st from the 3 - 5 PM I am having a casual reception with coffee and sweet refreshments for my new show Reveal / Conceal: Unusual Conversations with the Landscape. The show is held at the Smith Union on the Bowdoin Campus in the Blue Gallery. I hope you can join me for this event or come to see the show soon.