Saturday, August 9, 2008

Where has the summer gone?

The sun was shining for the first time today in a few weeks. We all celebrated, particularly this morning when my 2-year-old daughter and I spent a few quiet moments picking and eating blackberries. These quiet moments I relish as time and the "fruits" of our everyday seems to slip out of my hands. Between email pile-up, marketing and managing the gallery, my own artwork development and production, and keeping our family life in order & happy - my life is just too busy. I need to slow down here and there to breathe...

Have I been swimming enough? Have I painted enough? Have I been out sailing enough? The answer to all three is simply "no." These favorite summer experiences all give me energy - wonderful and engaging zaps of life, and connect me inside and out.

But tomorrow and the next week I will open my arms wide to wading and sailing in Maine water, and the old standby - my paintbrush, some color, and time.

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