Sunday, May 31, 2009

May brought buzzing around and settling down...

This last week in May brought me some quiet and a time to feel a bit more centered after an extremely busy and productive month. While taking a quiet walk along Blueberry Field in Winterport while hubby and kiddo took a nap, I came upon this amazing tree. The only one in the field along an unraised line of rocks, its texture and growth pattern demonstrated many years and storms. I was very happy to see it. What a beauty! I can see it on paper in sumi ink and brush, with thin, heavy, and delicate marks, well we'll see.

My bird paintings and works from inventory came together in an informal exhibition at Congress Street Portland's Coffee By Design in a show titled,"Wandering Flights in the Landscape". The works will be showing until June 30. The piece with the two birds I called Mama Bird and Baby, maybe my favorite piece in the show. The other artwork is hanging book I made in response to working at my artist friend Kate Buehner's studio. Have fun, enjoy and let me know what you think. Oh, and energize with the best cup of Jo around!

This month also brought an exciting artist reception for a show I was accepted into at the Massachusett's Art Complex Museum in Duxbury. The show "Ancient Medium, New Terrain" runs through the beginningof September and features three of my ephemeral, figurative paintings. More info to come.

At Cerulean its busy as ever. I finished teaching a "Portrait Drawing At Your Own Speed" Class that had six devoted students who truly reinspired my own interest in the figure.

A quiet afternoon at our family camp with my two girls Olympia and Sophie. We were entertained by the moody weather (and Stan who went swimming - very quickly) and watched the clouds and rain come across the water. We love Maine. Hope everyone is enjoying the warm up. -Hélène

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